Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Work begins on Sports Center

One local article in El Periodico that caught my interest was an article regarding a recovery of the sports center UE de Horta. While looking at the paper on March 31, this article interested me because I am an avid sports fan and have actually looked for sports facilities throughout Barcelona. This article talks about UE de Horta, which was a sports club that has become essentially obsolete over the years due to lack of upkeep. However, a new remodeling project started just after summertime last year, and a budget of 18 million euros is slotted for the renovation of this downtrodden sports facility. According to the President of the organization in charge of the project, the center had a huge problem with a lack of architectural space. As a result, the project’s main goals will be to construct two swimming pools, a new pavilion, and a gym of 800 square kilometers. The goal of the project is to have the reconstruction of the complex done by 2014. In addition to completely revitalizing a broken down complex, the organization hopes that the renovations will convince old members to rejoin. Because UE de Horta has been such a lackluster complex over the years and had not gotten any improvements until now, over 2,000 members left. By investing over 18 million euros to this project, the organization has shown that they are serious about completely changing the image of the center, and that it will be restored to even greater heights than it was before it became such a mess. I think this is a great development for Barcelona, because it will breath fresh air into a place that used to be a solid sports atmosphere.

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