Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Restaurant Tapa I Apat

One restaurant I visited was called Tapa I Apat. When my parents came into town on Sunday March 28, 2010, it was around 2:00 PM, and we were all very hungry. They did not want a typical meal that we could get anywhere in the world, but rather they wanted to experience a traditional Spanish meal, and have a tapas experience. While I had done this previously with my friends at a restaurant called Chiquitos, I was certainly not opposed to going to a great restaurant again. We decided to take a stroll down Las Ramblas, looking at several different restaurants before we settled on this restaurant. At this restaurant, there was a plethora of options to eat, which made me very happy. While you could order single meals, you also had the choice of four different tapas platters. The choices included a vegetable tapa, two different seafood tapas, and a mix of all the tapas called Pica Pica. My family decided to order the Pica Pica tapa, which turned out to be a great decision. While the tapas were supposed to serve only two people, we thought that we should also order another dish to make sure we were satisfied. Turns out we didn’t need to do this considering we then had an exorbitant amount of food for the three of us. Considering my parents did not have the appetite that I did, I had the responsibility of doing the major damage on the meal and eating the most. I did not have a problem with this however, and embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. The Pica Pica platter was excellent, and it consisted of chorizo, or sausage, along with calamari, patatas bravas, Catalan bread and Iberian meatballs. In addition, we ordered a chicken and prawn dish was also excellent. While we made a valiant effort to eat all the food that was on the table, in the end we sadly came up short. Overall, I thought this was an excellent dining experience. Although the meal was pretty expensive, we expected it considering the restaurant was on Las Ramblas where the majority of restaurants are expensive. With that being said, it was not like one of those expensive restaurants where the portions were frustratingly small. On the contrary, these portions were of a great size, and we definitely came out of there with a full stomach. My parents really liked it because it was a different type of dining experience than they were used to in the United States, and I also liked the change of pace. I had a great meal and time at this restaurant.

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