Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The PSOE Spanish encourages victims to report abuses by priests

One national story that I came across regarding Spain was in regard to the PSOE party urging victims who have been abused priests to come out and report such incidences. In Spain, there has been a low incidence of reported abuses by the church. While this should be looked at as a positive for Spain that there is limited pedophilia instances among their church, the PSOE party is worried that in actuality there is a problem has not come to the surface. The main reason that the PSOE is looking into this issue is that there have been hundreds of reported cases throughout other countries across the world. As a result of the PSOE’s worry about potential church abuses, Elena Valenciano, the Secretary of International Policy of the PSOE, has asked the church in Spain to investigate the few cases of abuse that have been reported and to have these cases tried in court. By looking into these cases, Valenciano hopes that they will lead to revealing other cases if they actually are there. Obviously, the PSOE does not want there to be more sexual abuse cases among the church. However, with all of the cases that are being reported throughout the world, it would just be wrong to ignore the potential cases that could be going on in Spain. While it may seem as if they are on a witch hunt and that the Spanish church may actually not have serious problems, I believe it is one hundred percent necessary to look into the problem. Hopefully there is not one, but if the government did not have the diligence to look into a potential issue, then I believe it is an absolute travesty to those who have been wronged by members of the church. This is a very serious issue taking place, and pedophile experiences can be traumatizing for young children and can quite possibly ruin their lives. I believe that the PSOE is doing the right thing in this situation, and hopefully the Church really has done nothing wrong.

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