Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trip to Roman Barcino

Our trip to Roman Barcino and the Museo D’historia was a very interesting way to learn about the ways of the past in Barcelona. After we got off at the stop Jaume I, we headed over to the museum but not before we went through the narrow alleyways that made up some of the old Roman Barcino. It was very intriguing to see how people lived back then, in what appeared to be such narrow passageways and crowded townhouses. When we first got to the museum, we entered into seeing various sculptures preserved from many centuries ago. Even though I have been to many museums in my life, it always amazes me that sculptures from hundreds of years ago are able to be kept in good condition after so many years. After going through the first floor and watching a short video on the history of Barcelona, we took an elevator down to the ground floor, where I really got a different perspective on how people lived back in this time period. One of the most amazing things to see was their complex plumbing system. Despite the fact that they lived in a far less technologically advanced time period than we live in today, the people during this time had a very efficient system that worked very effectively. In addition we saw where massive pools would be that the people who lived during this era would use in order to wash their clothes. In addition, I also learned how wine was also a major part of their society and was incorporated in everyday life. On a smaller scale, I found it funny to see an old stone that featured a game of tic tac toe from this time period. I thought this was cool to see because it’s pretty unreal that a game that is practically played all the time when people are bored is so deep rooted in society. Also, it was funny to see how the game has changed considering people can now just pick up a pen and piece of paper and just play quickly; back then people had to carve the game into stone. I think today’s games are a little more time efficient.

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